Saturday, December 31, 2005

Best of A Sparkle in the Jar 2005

In two weeks, A Sparkle in the Jar will have it's one year anniversary!

I am so glad I decided to jump in to the blogging world.
With the constant encouragement of Lori Lyn,
and 168 posts now under my belt,
I am most happily looking forward to starting year number two.

What's really funny is I never thought I had that much to say.
Well, apparently I can't shut up, is more like it.

Best of all, not only did I gain a lot of fun
and interesting new friends
in far away places by sharing my silly stories,
but by doing so,

I also improved my severely lacking writing skills
and rounded out my limited vocabulary,
at least marginally.

Although, I must admit
I still have not discovered a word that can replace awesome.
Awesome will always be my favorite word.

Yes, forever.
You can even put it in my epitaph:

"Here lies Anessa.
She said it was AWESOME."

So, **ahem,**
as I was saying,
I am SO glad I took the time
to start a blog.

And now, just for the fun of it, and purely in my humble opinion only,
I proudly present to you...


My Favorite Posts from A Sparkle in the Jar 2005:
Story About Snow
The Green Eyed Tizzy
Saint in a Smock
The Crushing of Janet
Time Heals All things...Even the Jiggles
Polish People In Paducah
KISS Flipped the Tiny Switch
The Girl fromMicrowavania
And for Chad and Shay, A Very Short Screen Play

Okay, hope you have a AWESOME New Year's Eve,
('Cause it's the most awesome word in the dictionary, you know)
and I'll see you in 2006...

Lots of big changes to come...stay tuned!


Blogger Lori-Lyn said...

You're a wonderful writer and I think your blog is awesome!

Saturday, 31 December, 2005  

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