Thursday, May 29, 2008

Separated at Birth?

Looks strangely like Dana Carvey these days, eh?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Lena would FREAK!

Kinda funny...I have been meaning to share this little thing with you...
I got chosen as a stylish woman in a local publication.
If only they saw what I wore to the grocery store tonight...
Are these sort of things revocable? Is revocable a word?


Here's a link to the magazine: Today's Woman Magazine.
and the article: here.

I'm flattered, especially considering that many people think I dress like a weirdo.
Thanks, Kristin for thinking otherwise.

My painting on the front of Underwired Magazine!

Here's a link to their website: Underwired Magazine
Published and edited by my new favorite woman, Laura Grinstead, this magazine ROCKS!
Also, I should mention, you can see this fine painting and 4 others hanging at Nancy's Bagel Grounds on Frankfort Avenue all this month.
And, why yes....they ARE for sale!
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