Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mystery Gift

Mystery Gift, originally uploaded by Anessa.

Oh boy! This was super fun to receive after work yesterday~
Seems my UNICORN FAIRY has been spending a little time in old Lexington, Kentucky. (My stomping grounds!) If you click on the picture it will take you to my www.flickr.com account where I have made note of certain clues.
Yep, CLUES! and Yep, investigation underway. I have my suspicions.
I think it may be the super cute and way fashionable crew from Isle of You. But I can't say for certain. I know they love some Paul Frank (see the fine print on the button) and they have been known to USE SILVER TISSUE PAPER in their gift wrap hall of fame. Either way, sure did make my day...and if it IS you girls I sure do love you for for being so sweet to me.
Big XO!

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