Tuesday, June 26, 2007

An Interview with Me by Eric Bulter.

Many apologies, but it is now time for a little shameless self promotion..

So it seems, there's a new fan of my Beauty Paintings and I must share the news.
His name is Eric Butler and he even wrote a very nice little article about my artwork in his local art magazine.
Follow this link to read it:

Anessa Arehart, Growing Up Good. New Art Magazine #4.

Even better, it appears that he even named me on his Top Ten list in Bejeezus Zine.
I'm not kidding! Click here and then click on Eric's photo to see for yourself. Isn't that something? Maybe I'm not wasting my time after all.
And doesn't he look like a nice guy?
Well, he IS!
In fact, I liked him so much I sent him home with a small painting the day he visited my studio.
Check out his new venture: Our Art Site.com.

Needless to say, I am feeling very special today.

Also don't y'all forget that Marcy and I have our opening this Friday from 6-9 at Mellwood Art Center.
Come if you can....
We have candy...
And your Mom said it's okay.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Opening June 29th!

Monday, June 04, 2007

New Show Hanging at Mellwood Art Center

Cosmo Girl, by Marcy Werner
Our new show, "Smells Like Candy", is hanging now if you wanna drop by.... but even better, the Opening Reception is June 29th, 6-9pm.
Here's a link with some pix and stuff of the work we'll be showing: Anessa and Marcy's Show.
And and big added bonus if you come opening night: Paul Moeller from the band Digby is going to do an acoustic set from 7-8pm!
He's so very good. And so very kind to do this for us. Here's a little taste of his fine tunes: Clicky here-y.
Hope you can make it!
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