Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Have You Hugged Your Pet Today?

Below is a letter I want to share with you from my friend Mandy:

Hi everyone,

I was made aware of this avenue of hurricane relief from my stepsister but this is not a chain letter. This is from my heart.

I am sending this out to my friends, my family and acquaintances in hopes that you too will feel compelled to help to start to put a dent in the mountain of devastation America is suffering right now. As has been reported, some rescuers (certain Coast Guard units) are willing to allow hurricane victims to bring their pets into rescue helicopters, others will not allow it. I understand that none of the relief shelters will allow pets. Today, a CNN reporter described seeing a pack of Labrador retrievers roaming the streets of New Orleans together, clearly in distress and unsure where to go. He gave the dogs some water, but said it was very sad because there was nothing he could do to help them.

The Humane Society is authorized to go into the Hurricane stricken areas and rescue animals and take them to shelters in Houston and elsewhere. They are collecting donations on their website to help them with this effort. The link is

I have put my money where my mouth is and have made a donation to this cause. I hope everyone else will do the same. I am not suggesting that you donate to the animal rescue fund instead of donating human relief supplies or money. I'm saying we can not do enough. I'm saying this is a great place to start and this is a great place to pick up if you have already been participating in relief efforts.

We have to be diligent and focused. There is so much work yet to be done and every little bit will help.

Thanks and I hope everyone is well with friends and family safe and sound,

Mandy West

Please do what you can to help. I realize we want to help the people first and foremost,
but what if this was your pet?
The Humane Society will take donations as small as $10.
The cost of 2 beers plus tip at your local bar.....or a People Magazine and a bag of Rasinettes.
Don't assume other people will make donations enough to go around,
because they may not.

It is up to you to do what you can to help.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think I have met you, but ive heard anessa talk of you and i just wanted to write you a note to say thank you from all the 'adults' whose children happen to be furry ones. My heart goes out to everyone who had to endure these hurricanes, but when i see an animal on tv, walking around with nowhere to go it rips my heart out, sorry, but im for ANIMALS totally!!!! thanks from all of us animal freaks, ill be making a call.....and a donation!

Saturday, 24 September, 2005  
Blogger anessa arehart said...

Thanks, Jackie....

Saturday, 24 September, 2005  

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