Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sticking up for the Weeds in Life.

This poem was written for my Grandfather by a friend of his named Mary Brown.
I have never met Mary, she may live in Georgetown or Lexington, Kentucky.
I'm not quite sure, actually, if she is still living or not.
However, wherever she is, I truly wish she knew how very much her poem means to my family
and how it reminds us of my Grandfather's kind philosophy of life every time we see a cheerful little Dandelion.

Thanks also to my sister, Carrick, for e-mailing me a copy today.

For Gordon, who sticks up for the weeds in life.
The Dandelion Poem
Written by : Mary Brown

Some have mentioned them a weed
An eyesore that has given seed
and though opinions have their sense
I feel the dandelion deserves defense.

Though fragrance may not be their power
They still may qualify a flower
Their strength and will is without compare
And they do not need such loving care.

Now fields have made a flower bed
for such a dainty yellow head
Their Constitution is not overridden
When all else is dead they'll keep on livin'

Their fluffy white heads are masters at flight
They've flown more times than those brothers, Wright
And if those white messengers tickles your nose
You're sure to be blessed by your friends and foes.

So with this considered, don't be a stick in the mud
And give some respect to each white and yellow bud
'Cause after we're gone and buried, six feet under
Not daisies, but dandelions will guard where we slumber.


Blogger The Dog of Freetown said...


Sounds like your grandfather and his friends had the right take on things.

Wednesday, 12 April, 2006  
Blogger Lori-Lyn said...

You know, I'm always thinking that I'd like to get a tattoo in the small of my back on my fortieth birthday, but there's really no image or symbol that means so much to me that I would put it on my body forever. (I mean, except for a pug head, which would be a little wierd.)
I think that if you ever wanted to get a tattoo, you should get a dandelion.
(Please do not tell your mom I said this.)

Wednesday, 12 April, 2006  
Blogger anessa arehart said...

Thanks Kieran... and LL, my baby sister (she's 27), Jimmer, has a tattoo of a dandelion starting at her foot and extending up her ankle. It's nice. I am also thinking of getting a tattoo at 40! A big one! Have you seen my sister, Carrick's?
Check it out:

Nice, eh? Robert Alleyne in Lexington did it for her. They went to school together when they were younger. I think his studio is called "A Charmed Life" on Euclid Ave.

Wednesday, 12 April, 2006  
Blogger Michael Sprouse said...

I LOVE this poem!!!

Wednesday, 12 April, 2006  
Blogger anessa arehart said...

Hey Michael you have been blogging like crazy!
Making up for lost time?

So glad to have you back in the if we can just work on you know who... Starts with an "M" and ends with and "andy". ; )

Wednesday, 12 April, 2006  
Blogger Mags said...

I am crying...I love this poem.
Like seriously crying...
how to check out Carrick's tattoo, but I think I have seen it in real life...

Wednesday, 12 April, 2006  
Blogger anessa arehart said...

Don't cry Mags....It's supposed to make you happy!

Thursday, 13 April, 2006  
Blogger Michael Sprouse said...

I'm to have dinner tonite with the m lady. I will rag her on her bad blog biz!

Thursday, 13 April, 2006  

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